Dec 16, 2011

webmasters how to disable google related

From :
Reposting: I have not been able to find a way to disable Google related if you have not seen it you had better check out whats showing up on your website.

File a complaint here

Google Related Program and My Privacy Issues

I spent the last cou­ple of weeks updat­ing my main web­site Lunarstu­dio - mostly repro­gram­ming and adding new images. When updat­ing web­sites, most respon­si­ble web­mas­ters and design­ers will run their site through addi­tional browsers, oper­at­ing sys­tems, and test people’s reac­tions to new con­tent. I had a friend look at my site on Sun­day to see if she had any feed­back. Out of the cor­ner of my eye, I noticed a full-width bar appear at the bot­tom of my page on her mon­i­tor. My first reac­tion was “WTF”, fol­lowed by con­cern that some­how I must have uploaded mal­ware to the back-end of my site. The third option which was slightly more wor­ri­some is that some hack­ers got into my site. So I took a closer look, and the bot­tom left read “Google Related” (don’t install this.)

Now, I would never think Google would have released a tool­bar that cov­ered up part of the screen. Not only was it dis­tract­ing from the design I had worked so hard it, but it wouldn’t just affect me but almost every web­mas­ter and designer on the planet. So my next thought that it had to be some mal­ware she acci­den­tally down­loaded over the course of her Inter­net trav­els. Upon even closer inspec­tion, I noticed that it was serv­ing up adver­tise­ments and con­tact infor­ma­tion from com­peti­tors. So some­one look­ing at my site could see another image at the bot­tom of the screen, then decide to go to that web­site instead.

I started to look into this. Sure enough, it’s part of a new, 20-day old Google pro­gram which is a tool­bar exten­sion for Inter­net Explorer and Chrome. ArsTech­nica wrote a con­cise arti­cle on what Google Relate does here. While it might prove use­ful for some users, for web­mas­ters and those con­cerned with pri­vacy, this is an absolute night­mare. It rep­re­sents a major down­fall in Net Neu­tral­ity if this is allowed to carry on. *Aside* — some might argue that Google is not a tele­com, Inter­net Provider, or gov­ern­ment agency and hence doesn’t fall into the argu­ment of threat­en­ing Net Neu­tral­ity. How­ever, I should remind peo­ple that Google has men­tioned that it’s test­ing their Inter­net Pro­vid­ing ser­vices. Also, Android runs on many cell­phones as well as tele­com providers. They’re basi­cally in bed with one another.

There’s sev­eral dif­fer­ent and valid con­cerns, not to men­tion the legal­ity of this program:

1.It inter­feres with a per­son or company’s intended web­site design with­out their permission.
2.It poten­tially dis­tracts an end-user.
3.It slows down a person’s web­site load­ing time. The speed issue is prob­a­bly neg­li­gi­ble, but it’s still there with­out an owner’s permission.
4.It risks hav­ing peo­ple leave your web­site in favor of another. Hold­ing user reten­tion on a landing-page is tough enough, but this just adds fuel to the fire.
5.Due to peo­ple wan­der­ing off one’s web­site, it can jeop­ar­dize web­site owner’s busi­nesses and livelihoods.
6.Google is directly (or indi­rectly) prof­i­teer­ing from some­one else’s work with­out their permission.
7.This is poten­tially part of their AdWords pro­gram, which makes money off of advertisements.
8.It allows for Google to mon­i­tor your brows­ing habits, even when not using Google search. It’s basi­cally spy­ing on your activities.
9.It poten­tially opens up the door for fur­ther abuse.
10.It threat­ens Google’s com­peti­tors (Yahoo!, Bing, and other search engines.) If suc­cess­ful, com­peti­tors might also have to roll out sim­i­lar tool­bars or methods.
11.It could become a per­ma­nent part of Google Chrome.
Now, there’s some use­ful­ness to the end-user. It wouldn’t be fair for me to men­tion the Google Related neg­a­tives with­out the positives:

1.Pro­vides directions.
2.Pro­vides alter­na­tive solu­tions for some­one look­ing for a ser­vice or help.
I was almost pos­i­tive Google would pro­vide web­mas­ters with a method to take this off of owner’s web­sites through the use of META tags, but my searches for that method turned up empty. Instead, I came across other “unap­proved” meth­ods of using CSS code to dis­able the iframe, either by mov­ing the tool­bar off-screen, or by hid­ing the iframe com­pletely. Unfor­tu­nately, I tried these meth­ods and it didn’t work. It seems that Google caught on to web­mas­ters chang­ing their CSS code, and in turn updated their own to pre­vent us from doing so.

Since then, I’ve brought it to the atten­tion of some friends on Face­book, how­ever I think my con­cern has largely fallen on deaf ears which is under­stand­able. I’ve also writ­ten on the Google Forum where you can see there my con­cern is #6. Some might call it an over­re­ac­tion, but I think I’m fully jus­ti­fied here. The peo­ple report­ing this prob­lem is so low at the moment because Google Related is just start­ing to get atten­tion. This is part of the rea­son why I’m writ­ing about it on my blog — it’s to bring atten­tion to this.

My main issue is that Google is intrud­ing upon my work and busi­ness with­out per­mis­sion. The nail in the cof­fin is that they are also poten­tially prof­i­teer­ing with­out my per­mis­sion too. I think it’s just a mat­ter of time before Google is:

1.Sued by competitors.
2.Depart­ment of Jus­tice goes after them and tries to break up the monopoly.
3.Pub­lic out­rage from the web­mas­ters com­mu­nity gets out of control.
4.Or they dis­able it before it gets to any of the points listed above.
I hope I am overly con­cerned, and that Google dis­ables their new pro­gram almost as soon as it has started. How­ever, it blows my mind how this idea got past scores of lawyers, exec­u­tives, man­age­ment, and employ­ees at a bil­lion dol­lar com­pany in the first place. If you agree with my con­cerns, please pro­mote this arti­cle and also express your con­cern on the Google Related Forum. If you dis­agree, I’m still inter­ested in hear­ing your views

Mar 11, 2011

"Script Injections" list

Bots vs Browsers - has a new list of all injection atempts.

If your keeping up with this you need to look through this list and add the keywords to block to the hackers.txt file.

Mar 8, 2011

mas email problems

I have just discovered that the email option of my script can trigger the mas email alarms on the free host. They use this alarnm to stop spammers.

If your running the script on a free host you need to disable the emails until I can build a outbox system that will send merge the emails into 1 message once a day.

go into autoban and change all mail commands to
//mail hn.kd.ny.adsl union injection hacker


from ip hn.kd.ny.adsl